How to Avoid Worker’s Compensation Claims for Workplace Injuries


Computers are a necessity in today’s world, but they’re also a liability to your employees’ health. As your team types throughout the day, their hand muscles are busy hitting keys and moving the mouse, causing excessive wear and tear on their muscles. At first, the conditions that stem from this are minimal, but after time they progress into far more damaging injuries, and these types of problems can lead to expensive claims for your company. At Next Level Wellness, we want to treat these small over-use injuries so that both your employees and your company are protected.

Nerve Problems/Entrapments

Carpal tunnel is the most common nerve problem of the forearm and often leads to unnecessary surgery. The trouble with surgery is that the nerve can be entrapped anywhere from the neck to the shoulder to the elbow. It also typically involves a muscle in the elbow that is shortened by continued palm down movement of the wrist and has accumulated scar tissue over time. Carpal tunnel surgery usually involves a cut across the wrist, but because the nerve can be trapped at any one of five common points throughout the arm, the surgery may not actually relieve the pain. In fact, carpal tunnel syndrome surgery is effective only about half the time.

Our F.I.T. treatment is effective at relieving pain approximately 70-80% of the time. We work to identify where the trapped nerve is as well as where the short and tight muscles are, and address them all.

To help prevent Carpal tunnel injuries in your office, encourage employees to practice the stretch known as the ‘waiter’s tip.’ They should bring their arm down to their side and then bend their wrist palm up.

Neck Pain

As workers strain their necks forward to see the computer screen, they cause the muscles in the front of the neck to shorten and tighten. The nerves in the arms and hands slide out the front part of the neck and can get trapped in that area. Also, by rounding the shoulders forward, computer users put a lot of stress on the neck and shoulder blade muscles. There is a nerve that passes alongside the shoulder blade and inserts into the back of the neck that can get trapped, causing aches and pain in the back of the shoulders.

To help keep the muscles relaxed, employees should stretch as much as possible throughout the day. An easy and effective stretch involves rolling the shoulders backwards and forwards, alternating from side to side.

Low Pack Pain

When sitting for prolonged periods of time the gluteal and hip muscles get overstretched while the hip flexors become tightened. There are many sites where the sciatic nerve can get entrapped, and when pain occurs it’s important to find the area and treat it properly. Surgery commonly involves fusing the spine and removing the disc bulges, which may not solve the problem and may even cause future problems.

Lower-back stretches are critical to helping prevent this, as well as hamstring stretches. While sitting in a chair, employees should stretch their lower back by bringing their heads between their legs.

All of these issues should be addressed at the first sign of any ache or discomfort. Acting quickly is the key to avoiding excessive claims. As an employer, make sure to listen to your employees and look at the way they work. By taking a proactive approach, you could avoid costly injuries. Spending a few dollars now will save in the long run. Stretching programs, exercise programs and implementing ergonomics by a certified ergonomist is money well spent.

Our experienced team of wellness doctors, Vasili Gatsinaris, DC, QME, James Kim, DC, Adam Abulghualya, DC, BS, ART and Caprice Leonard, MA, ATC specialize in workplace wellness and chiropractic care. Our Irvine chiropractic office is located near John Wayne Airport, convenient for people living in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Santa Ana and other surrounding Orange County communities.

To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, take advantage of our Facebook new patient special and contact us or call 949-263-9003 today.


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